The Get To Know Me Tag [writer’s edition]

Happy Monday, friends!

Today I am finally (finally finally) doing a tag that has been sticking to me for a few months now. Way back in March (or something like that), the lovely Savannah Grace tagged me with The Get to Know Me Tag: Writer’s Edition, and I am finally doing it.

So here we are.

The rules:

  • link back to the person who created the tag (Savannah)
  • thank the person who tagged you (Savannah)
  • tag eleven bloggers (I don’t know if I can do eleven, but we’ll see)

Fun fact about Savannah:

She and I are Splickety buddies! Her flash fiction, Shoot Straight, and my flash fiction, Our Family, were published in the same issue of Splickety!

And she’s since been published with Splickety twice. Yeah, she’s that cool.

And now for me actually doing the tag (question: is that what we call it? “Doing” a tag? Or participating in a tag? Or something else????).

the get to know me tag.jpg

[Vital Stats & Appearance]

(pen)Name: Rosalie Valentine (it also happens to be my real name).

Nicknames: Rosie, Rose, Seeta, Honeywheat, and Sourdough (thank you for those last three, brothers).

Birthday: July 30, 1998 (aka: I’m very close to leaving my teen years behind me, which is oddly somewhat unsettling).

Hair color and length: Brown and down to my lower back (and straight like there’s no tomorrow; it won’t hold a curl or wave for more than half a day so woe is me if my life one day depends on having texture in these brown locks).

Eye color: Hazel!

Braces/piercings/tattoos: Pierced ears (I got my ears pierced for my fifth birthday).

Righty or lefty: Righty all the way (though who hasn’t had the ambidextrous dream?).

Ethnicity: A lot of European blood with just a little Cherokee mixed in.


First novel written: Truly, a Cinderella retelling novella (and that was right before it got cool to write retellings).

First novel completed: I’m not sure if setting aside a story because it is irreparable counts as completing it, but we’ll just go with that. That would be Truly as well.

Award for writing: N/A

First publication: A flash fiction for Havok magazine back in 2017 titled The Necklace. It’s still one of my favorite stories I’ve written. :)

Conference: Realm Makers 2015!!! This is where I first met Katie Grace for the first time! I literally cannot imagine my writing life without Katie because she inspires and encourages me in so. many. ways.

And I finally met Nadine Brandes at RM 2015 after I was on the launch team for A Time to Die (A Time to Speak was coming out in just a few months at that point, and I was DYING with questions). And I got to ask Steve Laube a bunch of questions in a mentoring session. And I met Victoria and Jordan there too! And Jill Williamson for another mentoring session!! So many amazing things happened at Realm Makers 2015. :)

Query/Pitch: Possibly False Gods by the end of this year. We’ll see where it’s at after this draft and then what alphas and betas think. But guys, my heart is so ready for the world to meet these characters and this story; I cannot wait to see what God does with it (especially since it’s the most direct, not-subtle-at-all story I’ve ever written).


Novel (that you wrote): Lol, False Gods for sure.

Genre: Between flash fictions and novels, I’ve dabbled in science fiction, various kinds of fantasy, contemporary, and YA. My default seems to be fantasy, but there’s a sci-fi story-possibly-novel that I am dying to write.

Author: Just one? It’s impossible. I’ll go with two—Anne Elisabeth Stengl and Nadine Brandes.

Writing MusicIt really varies on the story! A lot of my stories/characters have tailored playlists depending on the genre and situation. Lots of film scores (Hans Zimmer and Trevor Rabin are some of my favorite composers).

Time To Write: Early morning or late night it seems.

Writing Snack/Drink: Gummy bears, granola bars, coffee with enough cream to make it tasty, chai or lavender lattes, and water.

Movie: This is where I cannot do one or even two. Prepare for a list, kids. The Dark Knight trilogy, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, and The Lion King.

Writing Memory: Hmmmm, this is an interesting one. My favorite writing related memory was probably when I got the email telling me that Havok wanted to acquire The Necklace.

My favorite memory of writing is probably when I drafted the climax scenes for False Gods. So much of me and what I’ve learned about God is in the story and the themes and the characters, and so when it was all coming together for the first time, it was all rushing from my heart to my fingers in a way that doesn’t happen very often.

Childhood Book: The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis and the Tales of Goldstone Wood by Anne Elisabeth Stengl are my childhood.


Reading: Fawkes by Nadine Brandes (which, by the way, releases in less than two weeks!!!!).

Writing: A flash fiction to submit for the Realm Makers live critique and False Gods editing/revising.  The flash fiction has to be 300 words or less, and it’s related to one of my other stories (but I won’t say which because it would be so fun/cool for you guys to one day figure out which story/character it’s connected to). And my project for Camp NaNo this July is False Gods again. We’ll see how it goes with Realm Makers in the middle of it.

Listening to: The Piano Guys because I somehow forgot about them for two years and just rediscovered them last week! And re-listening to my 2018 and worship playlists a lot recently.

Watching: Lost in Space—the new one that Netflix made. I’ve seen four episodes and like it so far!

Learning: To have faith over fear and to dream better regarding everything, including my writing life.

dream bigger 1

(how did you not see this gif coming?)


Want To Be Published: Yes! So very much! … but I’m in no rush. I keep submitting short stories and working on novels, but it’s not consuming like it used to be. If I get published again, it will be when God wants it to be, with the story he wants it to be, and with the publisher he wants it to be. Until then, I’m at my leisure.

Indie or Traditional: It varies! For novels, I want try for traditional first, but as far as some short stories/flash fiction collections, those might be self-published.

Wildest Goal: Get False Gods published and into the hands of people like me, who have doubts and struggles like me, who need to hear Asha and Adele’s stories like I have. My best hope and prayer for my writing right now is that God will use False Gods to do in others what he’s used it to do in me.

It’s crazy how much Jesus has changed my desires and goals for writing over the years. At one time (and sometimes still), success was writing and selling lots of books; now success is writing stories with God and seeing what he does with them—in me and in others.

I hereby tag:

Thank you so much for tagging me, Savannah! This was fun!

What about you? What is your childhood book/series? And leave your strangest nickname in the comments too, because I need to know. ;)

With love,


P.S. – another memo of High Command is going out this Friday (not last Friday like I said it would on Instagram because I forgot that last Friday was still in June and that it won’t be the first Friday of July until this Friday. #oops)

P.P.S. – anyone else kind of appalled that it’s July 2 today? Like, where has the first half of the year gone? Riddle me that.

31 thoughts on “The Get To Know Me Tag [writer’s edition]

    *realizes she latches onto, like, the one thing that’s not about you when that’s the whole point of the post*
    Good luck with False Gods! I’m really looking forward to seeing that one finished someday (and not in the way that Truly was, lol). I’ve been super interested in it ever since I read your Camp post about it, as someone who’s also writing desert fantasy and just enjoys fantasy as a whole. The character dynamics seem like they’re really cool. :)

    Liked by 1 person


      Lol, thank you! After all this, I hope it doesn’t end in the way Truly did too, haha! xD Aww, I’m so happy you find it interesting! I’m never sure if I’m communicating about False Gods in an intriguing way or if other people will actually want to read it, and so thank you for the encouragement!

      You’re writing a desert fantasy too??? SWANKY!! What’s it about?? (Also, what other ancient Middle Eastern/desert fantasy stories do you recommend?)

      Liked by 1 person

      • You’re very welcome!

        The plan is for it to be a series of interconnected standalone novellas (knowing my track record for writing short and everything turning into a series we’ll see how that works…), so there’s no easy way to answer that question, lol. There are a couple that I have more solidly in mind, so I guess I’ll go with those.
        One is a middle-grade book (because I noticed how many MG portal fantasies there are and how few MG high fantasies there are) in which the main character has powers she’s not supposed to have because genetics are highly regulated where she lives in regard to these powers, so she and her parents are in grave danger because of this.
        The other is YA (like most of them are going to be) about a rebel group who rebel against a government led by the military and end up realizing that in fighting it they’re becoming as bad as it is.
        There are a couple more that I either don’t know very well or that I’m not sure if I really want to write or not, but I know those two are going to be written eventually (once I’m done with my current novel and finish developing the world and a bunch of other stuff, lol). :)

        Um, unfortunately I don’t have any book recommendations. Part of the reason I want to write a desert fantasy is because it’s not something I see a lot. I do have some on my TBR list, though, if you want to look them up:
        -An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir
        -Empire of Sand by Tasha Suri
        -Wolf Tower by Tanith Lee
        -The Akhenhaten Adventure by P.B. Kerr
        -Windwalker: Forbidden Flight by H.G. Chambers
        -A Whole New World by Liz Braswell
        And then there’s also the historical fiction Thief of Corinth by Tessa Afshar.
        There are a couple more that might or might not be desert fantasy, I can’t quite tell from the covers and synopses, but there are a few. I hope they’re good, lol.


    I loved The Magic Tree-house series when I was a kid, and when I was a little older (like middle schoolish) I really got into Ted Dekker books.
    The strangest nickname I have ever been given was “Mayo”. I was on a missions trip and the kids couldn’t pronounce my name so they called me Mayo lol.

    Liked by 2 people

    • WASN’T IT????? I was blown away by it! I knew it would be way different than the Out of Time series, but I wasn’t sure if I could like it as much as love the Out of Time series. BUT I DO!!! What’s your favorite thing about it??

      The Magic Treehouse!! My brother and I read those together as little tikens! Oh cool! Which Ted Dekker books do you recommend?

      Awww, that is so cute!!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I loved Narnia, but my obsession was Geronimo Stilton. xD I grew up overseas, but the English teachers at my school had the series in English, in a cabinet in her office. I would read up to three in a night, then return them and ask to borrow more after school.
    Narnia inspires my writing HEAPS now though!
    Strange nickname was “Hannah Smotanova” (Hannah sour cream in Slovak, the language where I grew up). Kids on the playground knew I had a Hannah Montana obsession too, and made fun of me for it…by making this weird rhyme??
    It bothered me when I was a kid. I laugh now.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I think my favorite childhood book series was the Junie B (that was ages ago, wow) and then the Dear America diaries! I devoured those things.
    Nicknames, though… I’ve never liked people shortening my name? Only one person is allowed to call me Jen… But I did pick up the nickname Jeniqua. I’m 100% okay with that. XD

    Rosalie… do you mind if I steal this tag? I haven’t been blogging in months and I feel like I need to reintroduce myself to the readers that are left. XD

    Liked by 1 person

    • I haven’t read Junie B, but I loved the Dear America books!!!

      Haha, so is it pronounced jen-i-kwa?

      YESSSS!!! TAKE THE TAG! USE THE TAG!! LOVE THE TAG!! TAG YOU’RE IT!! I thought about tagging you so I could get the inside track before I see you at RM, but then I was afraid that might be creepy, so I decided against it. >< So consider yourself tagged!!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Such a fun tag! Thanks for tagging me ;) I feel like I did it once ages ago, so it will be really fun to see how much my answers have changed. You’ve got some pretty epic favorite movies and authors there, and it’s neat to see your status and dreams. It’s so wonderful that you don’t feel a time crunch to be published, but I personally CANNOT WAIT for you to have a published book someday! :D

    Liked by 1 person

    • *keeps eyes peeled for your post so I can stalk your answers*

      Aw, thank you!! It has been (and sometimes still is) a long, hard road with God to be content with where I’m at, lol. You are so sweet! <3 <3


  6. The Chronicles of Narnia are my childhood series too. I read them so many times that all my books are now held together with packing tape and love.
    I haven’t had too many nicknames in my life – my name is Katherine and according to my parents, it was always their intention to call me Katie growing up but they always forgot. So I went by Katherine until my teens when my sister’s boyfriend started calling me Kat and next thing you know, the entire youth group was calling me that too. Then I went away to college where I was introduced by my full name again but I realized very quickly I missed Kat so I’ve been going by that ever since.
    Hubby has this habit of adding “-ers” or “els” to the end of everyone’s names – Emily=Emers, Chad=Chadels, etc. So he generally calls me Kate-ers. (Which my sister things sounds too much like Mater the truck in Cars. Lol)
    But my strangest nickname has to be in college, one semester the dorm house I was living in, we decided to give everyone nicknames. Jenny became Jenners, Melissa became Maloo. And because I had long hair that reached mid-thigh, they decided to riff on Rapunzel and call me Rumpie. Which I always felt more like a rip from Rumpelstiltskin but whatever. It didn’t really stick. But I still call them both Jenners & Maloo! :D

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Best wishes with False Gods! I’m so jealous of your straight hair. Mine is curly like no tomorrow if I don’t straighten the heck out of it. XD Lavender and chai lattes for the win! So yum! I love Starbuck’s London fog latte. Have you had that?

